Wednesday, March 30, 2011


This time it's not the humans in my life that have issues, but the dog. Specifically, this dog:

He doesn't look particularly troubled in the picture, but at about 5 o'clock this morning, with loud thunder clapping all around the house, it was a different story.

Did you know that brontophobia is the fear of thunder? Apparently there are several other names for it as well, but this one was the easiest to spell, and today I'm going for easy. Danny is not alone. He has lots of other canine pals that are also scared of thunder, but he's the one pacing the floor in our house. Or hiding under the bed. Or looking for me.

Ordinarily, he sleeps on Brian's bed, but thunder brings out the baby in him, and he comes looking for mom. During several recent early morning storms, he has slept next to my bed, under my bed, and, this morning, in my bed, snuggled up next to me on my pillow. Basically sleeping on my head. And he snores. It was a veritable indoor thunder session with all the snoring going on.

Anyway, all the sleep disruption, and noise has left me a little grouchy, and realizing that pretty much everyone in my family has some "issues."

1 comment:

  1. We had a dog with brontophobia. Did not know it had a fancy name. When he was younger he would jump on the bed or a table or a desk. If you were at the desk he couldn't get to the chair to get to the desk so he would "paw" you and you would have bruises. Our dog was very phobic. Did you know there are psychiatrists for dogs? Yes, I actually know one. This one goes by the title Veterinary Behaviorist. They mentioned a few things I could do for my phobic dog which helped a bit. I can't remember any of that now or I would pass along the tips.
