Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Another Detour

Not about Brian. This is about my brother.

I don't know if I've written about my 40 year old brother before, except maybe in a quick family mental illness history kind of way, so here's a quick background... 20 years ago, he was diagnosed with bipolar II (cyclical depression basically). He's been mostly stable (if not really a living a functioning in society kind of lifestyle) for the last 10 or so years. Fast forward to last year. He married a Filipino girl in August. In October or November he started taking illegal drugs to boost his energy. Got addicted. From Thanksgiving on, he has been in and out of various hospitals in north Texas. Finally, after a stint in intensive care, he agreed to a mega expensive rehab hospital north of Dallas. Checked himself out AMA 3 weeks into the program. That was, I don't know, 3 to 4 weeks ago.

Mom called today. The police were called to his apt. at some point last night/this morning. He's back in the psyc hospital. His wife wasn't there because of her work situation. Mom didn't know what caused the police to be called, but Neal has bought more guns. She's scared he'll kill himself or worse, and frankly, I am too.

We're starting to try to figure out how to get someone involuntarily committed in Texas. Mom tried once before, and couldn't do it, but the evidence has definitely been mounting. Now that Brian has his life back on a track of sorts, I may end up flying out there to help her and offer her whatever support I can give her.

 So, yes, Sis, if you're reading this, it's true. She probably didn't call you because you're always pretty busy. Or she just couldn't talk about it that much. Or something. Or maybe she did. I didn't ask. But if she didn't, now you know. I just talked to her again, and he says they might let him out tonight. She doesn't know if that's true or not.


P.S. I almost posted this without the art, and actually had another post planned for today, a book review, but that will wait. This art form really helps me gather my thoughts, and calm down, so I went ahead and drew.


  1. Thinking of you sweetie and sending you a big warm hug ♥

  2. I love this art piece.
    Hope your brother is improving too.
