Thursday, March 31, 2011


The challenge of life is really that you're never walking down a straight path, but trying to follow the curves that it throws you. There are happy curves, and horrible, scary curves. The art above is The Diva Challenge #15, but my life right now does feel like it's on a curvy roller coaster, so it feels so appropriate.

As a mom with a bipolar child, but not really a child but an almost 21 year old, the path is not only curvy, but rocky. I've recently been accused of micromanaging, which goes right along with the control freak accusation. I suppose if the shoe fits...

Anyway, I'm trying to do my best imitation of backing off, because any control that I might feel like I have is just an illusion anyway. And I'm just going to have to get used to the reality that this particular path is not that well lit. If this all sounds like doom and gloom, I apologize. There definitely is hope, and I just need to relax and know that someone else is driving on this path right now.

Trying to Let Go,


  1. Lovely piece. I haven't seen that tangle with the heart-type shape before (on the left), I love it!

  2. Jenna, This tangle is lovely. It feels like a peek into a patterned world through the pearl door. I really appreciate your shares and can relate to your "imitation of backing off", it is all an illusion anyway.

  3. Lovely curves, beautiful design. And yes, life around someone who is bipolar definitely can throw you some curves. Being totally flexible and remaining unruffled seems to be one of the keys to coping day to day. Maintaining a steady flow of love helps a lot too :)
