Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Chicken or the Egg

It's been kind of a crazy week brother-wise, and you would think for a blog about craziness, or rather those mental detours that seem to happen to a lot of members of my family, that I should be able to handle it, but apparently not. Anyway, just in the nick of time, I'm submitting my Zentangle Diva challenge for this week, which, if I understood it correctly, was to decorate an egg. Not a real egg, but you know, one on paper. I haven't looked at anyone else's yet, so hope I'm on the right track, LOL. Anyway, I couldn't stop at just one this week.

If you celebrate, have a happy Easter!


  1. Oh my goodness - three of them! You HAVE been busy!

  2. I especially like your first one. :)

  3. I'm a fan of egg #1 also, all are great. I think #3 is peeping at me!
