Monday, April 25, 2011

I'll Never Forget the Car Ride...

[Note: this is my first "Monday Memory" which will be linked over on Life's Twisted Stitches. And you can see the great badge over there in the sidebar.]

So... I'll never forget the car ride when I was in labor with my second child. Whoa! It was actually a series of car rides, so I'll start with the very beginning. OK, not THE beginning, since I'll assume you all know how one ends up in labor. Early-ish on a June morning almost 21 years ago, I woke up feeling "funny." It was 12 days before my due date though, so here comes car ride #1. We only had one car, so every morning I drove hubby John to the subway station, and in spite of that "funny" feeling, I couldn't have been in labor. My first child was 2 weeks late and had to be induced. What really was this labor thing anyway?

Back home again, I decided that perhaps I should at least pack, and of course, pick out a cute dress, which needed ironing. As my 2 year old played, and occasionally asked mommy what was wrong, it became clear that actually I WAS in labor. I called the doctor's office, and they told me to come in and they would check, which brings us to car ride #2.

You know, you can't go to the doctor's office when you are potentially having a baby with a 2 year old in tow, so I drove her to a good friend's house which was only 5 minutes away. I discovered that it is NOT a good idea to drive when you're in labor, so my friend recruited her neighbor to act as chauffeur. This was  a mom that I knew, but not that well. Her only requirement for car ride #3 was that I sit on a towel. Whatever. I gave her directions to the doctor's office, and off we went.

Turns out baby #2 was in a hurry. Are you thinking that I gave birth in the car? Well, no, but that would be a great car ride story. We stopped at the office with instructions to proceed straight to the hospital. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. (Oops, wrong story.) Don't wait for John, who was called at the office, and told to come to the doctor's office. He got a taxi, and luckily, made it just as I was waddling back to Neighbor Woman's car. I had to give her directions to the hospital, and found out later that she thought I was kind of crabby for this fourth car ride of the morning. Well, yeah. She just dropped us off at the emergency room entrance.

About 30 minutes later:



  1. Your artwork even looks like the multiple car rides, looping labour pains and finally, the lovely blessing at the end of the rides...thank you for sharing!

  2. WHOAH!!!! Awesome story! I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!!
    1st, Honey, THAT was a fast labor for sure and WOW did you roll with it REALLY well. Oh, and yeah, you ARE supposed to be cranky (DUH) in the last stages of labor! lol

    2nd, Now I'm inspired to write my own birth stories (I have four of them :)) and post them with a blogger who does just that! I'll go find her link and get back to you. Actually, I think I only have her on twitter...I'll send it there...

    3rd, Thank you so much for linking with me. I would never have found your beautiful story if not for this Monday Memory Meme. What a joy this is!
